X-Plane\ClassicJetSimUtils\WorldTraffic\AircraftTypes.Older WorldTraffic (1&2) user will however need to remove these folders. It will also convert World Traffic from versions 1-2 to the new 3 so you don't have to go through your folders.
#X plane world traffic install install
The Installer will do a full install of World Traffic, or if WT3 is already installed then any updates. World Traffic 3 now comes with a installer. The main X-Plane root folder called "ClassicJetSimUtils", the actual plugin "World Traffic" in your resources/plugins folder and the "WorldTrafficRadar" plugin also in your resources/plugins folder. World Traffic is made up of three components. But the benefits are certainly worth all the changes. I will in this review and semi-tutorial note the changes between the old and the new, most of the old WT files you will actually throw away and after all that hard work that is a hard thing to do. Once converted, you will then revel in the new, new. The biggest concept of older users to WT3 is letting go of their old ways and embracing the new, once done then you will see how totally changed the plugin is. For current WT users a lot does and and still is the same, but the interaction with the plug is actually totally changed. The inaccessibility of the original World Traffic concept has required a total rethink of the way World Traffic works. So this was the biggest impediment to World Traffic in being wildly acceptable was in its just plain inaccessibility. Tight hubs of working ground routes and airline routes that interacted with each other, and to a point it worked very successfully, but the problem was that if I added in a new airport into the network there was a lot of work in doing so, it was not just a point and click and you could fly, but usually an afternoon of work was required to create the details of making it just work. But this interactivity also created a barrier or complication that if we be honest created a time consuming and limited application of the idea.Ī few diehards doggedly soldiered on and created the networks and ground routes to make World Traffic at least plausible and workable, and don't get me wrong as when World Traffic did run and smoothly it was was simply overwhelmingly excellent, and so overall WT was certainly well worth persevering with. This allows it to be very frame-rate positive and better still give you a lot of control of the plugin. One of the benefits of World Traffic is that it does not use or is connected to the base X-Plane simulator, it is in reality set a layer above. has made significant strides over the last few years, but basically as everyone will tell you it is still plainly average, restricted to 20 aircraft and in most cases I personally have never used it. (Artificial Intelligence) dynamic world, but it is very basic and mostly restricted to the areas around yourself, if mostly concentrated on to your current airport. X-Plane does come with it's own built so called A.I.

The original World Traffic (WT) plugin was released in early 2013, by Greg Hofer of Classic Jet Simulations and is a concept by Francesco Missarino of Aircraft3D. It all sounds quite simple but the machinations of creating this environment are extremely complex on top of an already complex simulator. Basically it is a plugin to create a dynamic world around your flying aircraft, this is in the form of other aircraft in which you can interact with and create a visually dynamic environment that fills up airports and its gates and has real form routes that the aircraft will fly between with built in ATC (Air Traffic Control). I will put my hand on my heart and say that I am a devoted follower of the plugin from its early days and here it is in it's latest and greatest manifestation as World Traffic 3 (WT3). World Traffic by Classic Jet Simulations is one of the most significant plugins you can use in X-Plane. Plugin Review : World Traffic 3 by Classic Jet Simulations